
15 agosto 2007 às 10:27
Wow! Exactly ONE MONTH without any post here in my Blog. T___T But today is time to redeem and take a few minutes of my day to write something about me.

I'm afraid. @__@ Feeling that thausand things will chango my life drastically in few months. My life will change again, like was in tha past, at 2004 year...


...I was a boy who lived always at the same place in the same city, studied always at the same school and lived together with the same friends, making the same things and never wanting changes. But, someday, everything that we don't wanna change... Modifies. To a better mode or to a worst mode. Or also the two one. ^^' Well... In 2004, my lifa has changed to the SECOND mode and I satid sad... very very sad. My famili was break apart, each one livin' in a different place, without the proximity that there was in the past. And, the worst part of this is that: Evrything happened in a very brief fraction of time. When I perceived what was happenin', I was inside a big wave, dragging me to a different life. And I doesn't want that,

Well, I moved from Salvador City to Jacobina's City and here I was forced down to make a "new life". Without my parents and without a handrail to support me, i was walking; sometimes by myself, sometimes with the assistance of some kinsfolk, but was not the same thing. And now it is not equal than before, by the way. And never will be again.

You know, If read my first post, that I'm a confused boy ^^, but I earned some matureness in my life ((and this is a good point, verifying that behind something that seems bad at all, there is something good waiting to be discovered)), and now I can analyse that situation from a different angle. I think these changes made me benefits that I couldn't reach if staid in my old city, in my old life, in my old 'me'.

But, as though wasn't enough already, changes will hapen again. And I'm afraid. I feel the fear running among my veins and makin' my body shakes of nervousness sometimes, when I think too much about this aspect.

Now I'm studying to perform an exam very important for me and my profissional formation: Vestibular. I think I didn't studied enough to be approved in this exam and can to course an University. But I'll try with what I have of knowledge and... And... ^^ And I really don't know. My parents are counting on me and entrusting on me and I really do not want to disappoint them. KAMISAMA HEEEEEEEEELP!

*controls itself*

Hm, I selected to do a course to be Bacharelor in Biology, and I need to know too much about Biology ((love it *-*)), Chemistry ((ahm... Don't love it ^^)) and Physics ((really hate this sbject matter)). Do you think I'll be approved? T________T I took from the internet some tests from previous exams ((2004 year... Coincidently ^^)) and I believe that my level is below than I need to have an approval. I did my inscription yesterday and today I'll pay the bank-note.

Behind all these complications, at least I have something that motivate me and make me a litte more happy: Do As Infinity CDs. ^^ *really addicted* I bought TWO more CDs and, at this time, was the CD+DVD version of the Singles Honjitsu WA Seiten NARI and Hiiragi. They are beauuuuuutifullllllll, specially the DVDs. Unfortunately they do not play in 'normal DVD Players' and I have to watch in a computer. But is not bad, at all... At least I can watch them.

The DAI's Original collection is growing! \o/ And I'm intending to buy more and more and more and... *be crazy XDD* This is very good.

And... A little advice... hohoho... If who I want that read this advice read it... I'm intending to buy YUI's Second ALBUM! CAN'T BU MY LOVE, maybe in the end of this year I'll have it in my hands. And listen always in my diskman ((I don't remember if I told that I has broken it, but now my diskman is ok again <3~ // Just with a little problem at the display, but my father can fix it er than the light o/~

Now is time to say goodbye.
Ja ne, minna-san. And I'll try to post here more frequently. I promise.

3 comentários

  1. Anônimo Says:

    Alôooo o/
    Nao li o post todo pq tive aula o dia inteiro e minha vista ta embaralhada (tanto q fui escrever essa palavra e antes saiu "embralahada") xD

    juaaaaikku o/
    don't be scaaared (:

    vai fazer biologia? SUICIDA XD
    Biology ((love it *-*)), Chemistry ((ahm... Don't love it ^^)) and Physics ((really hate this sbject matter))
    fisica eh menos pior que quimica o.õ

    waaa, nao onsig ler nem digitar nada x.x
    *aquela q acabou d chegar e ta tontinha de tanta aula*

    mata nee o/

  2. Anônimo Says:

    Ai jisus essas pessoas que postem em inglês!!!! EU SOU BURROOOOOO

  3. Anônimo Says:

    weick, menino, pq vc posta tudo em inglês??? ;-; eu acabei de acordar, ficou difícil de ler huaha XD

    mas ok, primeiramente, eu queria dizer que sou uma lerda e fiquei pensando ontem "será que o weick não tem um blog pra eu comentar??" HAUHUAH >_< só vi o link daqui porque vc falou de linkar o GD no seu *shame on me* XD eu vou linkar vc lá, ok?? pode linkar também, se vc quisr ^^

    poxa.. é difícil mudar de vida, né? a minha nunca mudou muito, sempre morei na mesma cidade, estudei na mesma escola e tive *quase sempre* os mesmo amigos.. mas já mudei muito de casa e sempre ficava super perdida quando isso acontecia.. ainda bem que agora parou XD

    mas boa sorte pra vc no seu vestibular... química é realmente uma droga, mas se vc gosta de biologia e é esse o curso que vc quer de verdade, lute por ele /o/ não faça como eu que nunca consegui decidir que curso profissionalizante fazer e acabei em um curso técnico mesmo.. u.u'

    *lutando contra minha EMVEGA* ah que legal que vc tá fazendo uma coleção dos CDs do DAI que vc gosta tanto \o/ eu queria ter dinheiro pra comprar muitos e muitos CDs e DVDs de A-Music... T__T
    mas agora eu tô começando a pegar uns sites pra fazer... quem sabe não sobre um dinheirinho e eu também não posso comprar, não é mesmo???? XD

    nossa! escrevi demais.. nem no meu blog eu escrevo tanto HUAHAUHUAHUAH gomen >_< me empolguei, mas é que eu tô muito triste hoje e não tenho ninguém pra conversar à toa... enfim *correndo postar no blog*

    beijo beijo :*

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